Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy birthday, dad!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Just a short update -- and since there's nothing new to report, it really will be short!

Still need to schedule and have a heart catheterization; will probably take care of that this month.

I'm still dealing with more fatigue than I'd like but I know it just takes time.  I do get out for walks several days a week.  Early spring bird song greets me most days: sandhill cranes with their discordant cries as they wing north, red-winged blackbirds' ruckus in the marsh, song sparrows' delicate notes.

Whenever I'm in the woods I look for first growth.  So far I've only seen the maple flower buds swelling but I know I'll see early wildflower shoots before long.  Skunk cabbage in the marshes, hepatica on hillsides, will be blooming soon.

Happy almost spring, everyone!