I even took photos, although most of the wildflowers are gone. I had some fun playing with shadow and light and foliage texture and things like that. Didn't get anything especially great, but saw one of my favorite birds, and had fun. Just felt good to be doing, and to feel good enough to want to do anything.

It's perfect out (as much of our spring weather has been): sunny, not too warm, cool breezes, everything fresh and green. It did my soul a world of good to be in the woods and around water, as it always does.

This was all after I called the oncologist this morning, barely able to sit at my desk, and asked again about my low-ish blood pressure and high pulse.
They pumped a liter of saline into me this afternoon, and I'm a new woman. I'm also off blood pressure meds, at least for a few days, to see how I do. If it soars back up into the 170's over 110's, I'm sure they'll be adjusting that yet again.
Woo hoooo!!! One small liter of saline for woman, one large energy boost for... woman! (OK, my paraphrasing is awful. So sue me!)
Take THAT, fatigue!
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